February 13th 2021
During this meeting, the purpose of the training and the action of the plan for the dissemination workshops has been presented.

January 15th 2021
With the start of the new year, the gamification process has been presented. The contents of the MigCare Online Academy have also been decided.

December 9th 2020
During this online project meeting, the revised workplan till the end of the project has been decided.

June 24th 2020
Due to the pandemic situation all meetings will be online. During the meeting, the activity plan of the forthcoming months has been decided depending on the COVID19 restrictions.

May 7th 2019
Second consortium meeting. The meeting was organized in the city of Firenze (Italy), by Oxfam Italia Intercultura.

December 19th 2018
Kickoff meeting. The meeting was organized in the city of Patras, by the University of Western Greece, Project coordinator.