The MigCare project is developed by the following institutions.

TEI of Western Greece:
The Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (TEIWEST) was created from the merger of TEI of Patras and TEI of Mesolonghi in 2013, collecting a 30-year experience as part of the public Higher Education System. It is a self-managed public body subject to federal law and under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, offering under-graduate and post-graduate programmes.
TEIWEST gives emphasis on the training of staff in high quality applications which in combination with theoretical and applied scientific proficiency:
• Constitute the link between knowledge and application, developing the applied dimension of sciences and arts in corresponding professional fields.
• Transmit, utilize and promote contemporary technology, as well as, methods, practices and techniques in the field of applications.

In this framework, TEIWEST combines the development of an appropriate theoretical setting for studies with a high level of laboratory and practical training, while they conduct technological research and develop technological know how and innovations in the corresponding professional fields.
TEIWEST central premises are located in Patras while schools and departments operate in other 5 cities throughout Western Greece Region. The facilities offered to students, professors and administrative personnel comprise of amphitheaters, classrooms, laboratories, a Computer Center, a Foreign Language Center, a sports center, students dormitories, a Library, a restaurant/coffee house, a solar power building, a conference hall and a church.
Departments that host more than 20.000 students are grouped under the Schools of:
• Management and Finance
• Sciences of Health and Welfare
• Technological Applications
• Agricultural Technology and Nutrition
TEIWEST maintains other supplementary services to the academia and society like:
• A career consultancy office
• An international relations office
• Telematic Services (e-classes, webmails, e-learning etc)
• Practical Training Office
• Innovation and Entrpreneurship Units
• Match-making office.


University of Ioannina: The University of Ioannina, is a large Higher Education Institution which has been at the forefront of teaching and research in Greece for over 50 years. The wide spectrum of educational activities, the top-ranking faculty members, the infrastructure of the Departments and research teams, have positioned our University amidst the top universities achieving national, European and international excellence. University of Ioannina includes 17 academic Departments which altogether number 13.523 undergraduate students. the Department of Economics (was established in 1996 aiming to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and technical competencies and prepare them for entering the labour market.


Oxfam Italia Intercultura:
Oxfam Italia Intercultura is a social cooperative stemming from the non-governmental organisation Oxfam Italia, formerly known as Ucodep, actively fighting against poverty and injustice since the 1970s. Its main goal is to promote the integration into society of migrants and people in situation of marginality through active citizenship education, social and cultural activities, reception projects for refugees and asylum seekers and provision of linguistic and cultural mediation services for the health care sector. The cooperative works to build a multicultural society, open to dialogue and based on cultural diversity as a positive value. Hence, Oxfam Italia Intercultura has been working in educational projects and activities with students and teachers for many years (in some cases through on-line learning platforms), on the topics of active citizenship, food security and sustainable consumption, inequality, migration, interculture and integration and school drop out. Since 2017 it runs Community Centers in several italian cities, aiming to counter the risk of social exclusion concerning both migrants and locals, providing informations, assistance for documents-related issues and fiscal counselling.


Verein Multikulturell:
Verein Multikulturell is a non-profit association with intercultural orientation and exists since 1993. The main goal of the association is the promotion of the professional, social integration and inclusion of people with a migrant background. By means of diverse offers, different target groups are addressed and reached: young people, adults, parents, refugees and others. The offers are aimed at both individuals and groups, they include for instance career guidance, family counseling, psychotherapy, basic and language courses, health promotion projects, diversity training and media skills training.
Intercultural exchange and diversity competence are promoted in cooperation with teachers, social workers and other professional groups. Through intensive cooperation with partners from other EU countries in numerous projects, the employees are well connected and always up to date with the theory and practice of intercultural work.


Frontida Zois:
Frontida Zois, from 2007 , is a Social welfare private organization for the care of socially vulnerable groups (elderly, disabled), and an accredited social care VET provider. Its main task is twofold: to help the elderly and disabled people retain their maximum level of autonomy and well being providing them social care services, and the education and training of the social care professionals (nurses, social workers, formal/informal carers).
Our agency except from its own social care activities collaborates constantly with the Greek Ministry of Health in the National project “Home care for pensioners” concerning the funding of country’s accredited social care structures to provide home care of elderly people for free.
Frontida participates in various European research projects on aspects related with elderly care training and policy issues, or the validation and testing of innovative ICT solutions for the upgrade of the quality of life of the elderly and disabled people.


Since 2010, Interactive 4D designs and develops serious games and gamified e-learning tools to meet the growing needs in the fields of: For the MigCare project, INTERACTIVE 4D is responsible for the design and the development of the gamification platform which offers a training program based on educational content designed by the project partners. Interactive 4D is also in charge of the design of the website and its periodic updates. CONTACT Website:  E-mail :

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With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Reference: 2018-1-EL01-KA202-047922

© MigCare 2019

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